The Hemp Block Australia (HBA) building block system is the culmination of years of experience, knowledge, testing and development. It’s a revolutionary product designed to meet the demands of the contemporary Australian consumer.


HempBLOCK LB 300
Load Bearing System
Interlocking, no mortar required
Size: 600 x 308 x 300mm
Block Types:
- Standard Block
- Post Block
- Bond Beam Block
Where to use HempBLOCK (LB):
- Load bearing walls
- In-fill walls
- Residential and Commercial
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Masonry Method
Joined with mortar
Size: 600mm wide x 308mm high – with a range of thicknesses:
Where to use HempBLOCKS:
- Internal insulation
- External insulation
- Partitions
- Renovations
Technical Data Sheet Downloads
HempBLOCK LB 300
Technical Details & Performance Data
HempBLOCK Mortar
Lime Render
Colours Chart
Lime Render
HempBLOCK Certification
Australian Building Code
Composite Fibre
Technology (CFT)
Lime Render Colours
Superior properties of the HempBLOCK – a hemp/lime composite
About HempBLOCK
Hemp and Lime Composite
The HempBLOCK LB300 and its construction system are incredibly quick and simple to install, reducing costs and increasing efficiencies across construction sites. Each interlocking block is 600 x 308 x 300 mm and weighs 18 kgs. The blocks are 84% hemp and don’t require mortar joints.
Construction time is only 10 minutes per square metre. This is half the construction time of building materials with comparable insulation value. The walls can be clad, rendered or plastered. There’s no need for additional wall battens or insulation.
HempBLOCK walls are hygroscopic. They allow moisture transfer through the walls thereby controlling humidity and temperature. This results in constant, comfortable room temperatures all year round and significantly reduces heating and cooling costs, and carbon emissions.
The HempBLOCK LB building system is fully engineered and compliant with Australian standards and building codes.

Robust and versatile, industrial hemp is the main ingredient in our building blocks.
The fibres are stripped from the plant to make fabrics, and the seed is harvested for food. The remaining woody part (shiv) is mixed with a binding agent to manufacture our building blocks.
The interlocking blocks and installation system are designed to expedite the building process, reducing overall costs whilst ensuring a faster construction timeframe than traditional building methods.

Prompt natural cement has been produced for 150 years in the French Chartreuse massif from natural Alpine rock.
The mineralogical composition is unique leading to exceptional performance in the following ways:
- It’s mined rather than extracted from open-air quarries
- It’s fired at a low temperature, which means low CO2 emissions.
- It develops high strength immediately
- It creates minimal shrinkage
The combination of lime (low fired limestone) and hemp particles creates a flexible hygroscopic (breathable) matrix that eliminates mould build up in the building.
Alkaline materials such as this prompt naturally repel insects such as termites. It has a negative effect on their ‘skin’ which deters them from eating or nesting in it.